Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Stuff

In spite of the 45 mph gusts of wind, I was able to get some pictures taken of my newest sets. You can find them listed HERE!

A skirt Made-to Match Gymboree's newest line, "Cherry Baby."

My 2nd Patriotic listing--I hope to do one more.

I'm tired! Not only have I kept busy with new items and customer orders, but April in my state is BIG thunderstorm/tornado season. While the worst we've dealt with has been large hail (quarter to ping-pong sized in our yard), there has been a STRONG possibility for tornadoes 2 nights this week, so I've missed out on some sleep. Not too far from us, there's been baseball sized hail and tornadoes, so I'm thankful!


Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Oh those are so cute, but I REALLY love that first one!! Great job.

Stacey Moore said...

those are too cute! my 4 year old would love the twirl effect from the first set!! hope you have a basement!!

melbytoast said...

Good morning Jennifer~ I am absolutely loving those patriotic sets! Also wanted to say thank you for being a wonderful, encouraging friend! Have a FABULOUS day :)


amelia said...

Those are both adorable!!!