Beyond the typical day to day life of a family of four, we had our last soccer game of the season this weekend and our first dance recital. Practices, rehearsals, and boutique sewing orders, OH MY! Toss in a traveling husband, and you end up with a tad-stressed mommy who is lacking some sleep. Last night I stayed up to watch a movie that I KNEW would make me cry, just for the release. (Does anybody else do this? Please, say YES!) It works for me, and I feel much better. I don't cry easily, but sometimes I feel emotion building up and I've used the "Sure to Make Me Cry Movie" method before. Weird?
Anyway.....back to the kiddos and some pictures:
She doesn't take many naps anymore, but on this day she was SO tired. I had gone in to wake her up twice already, but she wasn't, I snapped some pictures. She pretty much is as sweet as she looks in this picture (most of the time):

The last soccer game of the season. It's been a crazy spring. By this time of the year we are usually sweating at the soccer games, but on this day there was a mean north wind. I love these types of pictures of him kicking the ball, because we have a few of his dad at this age and they look SO MUCH alike!

AND....the dance recital. They asked for curly hair on all the girls. The Princess has STRAIGHT hair. However, by putting her wet/moussed hair up in these spiral curlers for the entire day, we were able to accomplish curls that lasted throughout the recital. We were a little too far away from the stage to get a really good picture, but here's one that I edited the best I could. Plus, a few from after the recital.

If I can figure it out, I hope to post a video of her dances, too. We were so proud of her. She really got up there and PERFORMED. We were a little concerned.....the day we got her costume at dance class, she tried it on and the class did a little performance for the mom's who were there. She just stood there, glaring at me and crying. I felt bad for her until she explained that she wouldn't dance because the costume wasn't her "Dance Clothes" (like the ones she had been wearing to class). Anyway, the worry was for nothing because she hit the stage like a star (well, a 3 year old her family.....). We were PROUD!
Wonderful pictures. You little girl looks ADORABLE. You are very blessed with a wonderful family and amazing designing talent. :)
Haha! I had the same past few days I think. It was a complete whirlwind.
She looks like a doll!
I just LOVE those pics Jennifer! (The one of Isabella sleeping is just as sweet of the one in her sassy little costume, lol. And look at your little man playing soccer like a champ!)
OK--do tell what movie you watched that made you cry. I have done that! (It works wonders at PMS time, lol)
that is the story of our life as well!
such cute pictures!!
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