So, The King loves to run. Don't ask me why, it's just something that I don't understand, but he loves it. He's been training for a while now and has completed one half-marathon, and has another race next weekend. It's almost incomprehensible to me that someone would willingly run for that long, but I have to say that I'm quite proud of him!
Anything The King does, The Prince wants to do also. So, The King registered them for a 5K race last night (that's 3.2 miles). The ran with a training friend and his 5 year old daughter. I have to tell you that I was AMAZED, absolutely AMAZED, that at the age of 5, my son RAN the entire race--with no training--RAN it--as in no walking. I couldn't believe it and was so proud of him. More importantly, he was proud of himself. He zonked out last night and took a long nap, but wasn't at all sore today.
The runners meeting up and sizing up each others' gear.

A little pre-race stretching.

Some more serious stretching.

The Prince and his racing buddy.

Getting the official racing number just right.


I had called their name, but they didn't quite see me.
While we waited for them to finish, The Princess took in a little face painting.
Coming up to the finish!!

OK, so he's practically pulling him to the finish line, but STILL!!

When it was all said and done, they finished in under 40 minutes--which is probably better than I could do right now. He thinks it'll be a little while before he's ready for another race.