Sunday, December 9, 2007

Jingle Bells

The King is an avid runner.....I am not. He used to run to stay fit, but he's now on track with the goal of running a marathon. He just ran a quarter marathon, has registered for a half marathon, and so on. I really just need to get out and walk--that would be exercise for me. Is anyone else married to their opposite?

Anyway, after his quarter marathon, the kids were all excited about running in a race of their own, so the king found a 1K (just over 1/2 mile). It's called the Jingle Bell Run and in your race packet, they provide you with jingle bells for your tennis shoes. We all signed up and took part this weekend. It was a fun family event and the kids were so excited to be doing something "just like daddy." The Prince and The King took off at the beginning and did pretty well! The Princess wanted to run, too. Luckily, her run is still at my "walk" pace! She "ran" almost the entire thing.

My MIL came along, too. Did I mention that it was 40 degrees and misting? It was pretty much miserable in the weather department, but you warmed up as you started to move. I'd say it's getting added to the Traditions list.

The happy (if cold) family:

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