Wednesday, October 10, 2007

SPC--Week 2--Food and Me--Decisions

I love chocolate.

My husband loves me.

He gives me chocolate.

Now......which one do I choose?

To see more pictures from the Self Portrait Challenge, click HERE!


hollibobolli said...

I love the picture - and I am seriously craving chocolate. I love this picture.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully packaged chocolate - a weakness. this will be the second time I swoon for chocolate today! Very nice shot.

adriene crimson said...

OMG. I want it. I want it right now.
[door slams as girl runs down to the corner store for some ben and jerry's because it's too late to get good chocolates anywhere close]
What a lucky lady. And what a lucky man!

kari and kijsa said...

yummy....looks delicious....looks better than delicious....looks better than better than....well you get the point!

blessings, kari and kijsa