More posts coming, as I have time!
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And by now you're probably wondering how we can offer all these prizes and not charge a membership fee? It's actually quite simple- all the prizes are either given or paid for by advertisers, so with no cost to us, we're able to offer memberships and tickets 100% free.
Believe it or not, Raffstar wasn't created just to give away free stuff- although I doubt any one will complain when they win! Raffstar's main goal is to generate awareness for charities and the issues they are working with. That's why each of our giveaways have a featured charity with a link to their site right on our page. So as you browse through the prizes,make sure you take some time to check out the charities' sites as well. And don't forget to visit the charities page where you can see a list of all the charities that you are helping support, simply by being a member of Raffstar.
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